mardi 5 juillet 2016

My Body as a Password: Introducing Biometric Authentication Technology

Mobile shopping is everywhere nowadays. But were you ever hesitant to click the payment button in fear that someone might hack your information? Or did you ever forget your password for a certain site, and ended up entering different combinations to no avail?
Many mobile shoppers must have experienced at least once where they wasted time trying to find their forgotten password. Many more constantly worry about data leakage. But there is a way to solve these problems: Biometric Authentication Technology.

So what is Biometric Authentication Technology?
In essence, it’s a technology that lets you verify your identity without a password. It relies on your unique biological characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features and voice to verify your identity for secure access to electronic systems. It’s more secure than using a password since you don’t have to worry about data leakage, and it’s surely more convenient because you only need yourself.

Last year, our affiliate Samsung SDS developed a solution that allows the adoption of Biometric Authentication Technology on mobile devices to online systems as well, expanding the platforms where this technology can be applied. The solution was the world’s first to obtain the CC (Common Criteria) certification among FIDO-certified solutions. The CC certification is one of the most trustworthy international standards for computer security. The Samsung SDS solution has been successfully deployed on a commercial scale by being applied to Samsung Pay, a secure and easy-to-use mobile payment service from Samsung Electronics.

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